Which foods naturally help our thyroid gland?

Which foods naturally help our thyroid gland?

A healthy thyroid gland means more energy, faster weight loss, and often the disappearance of symptoms like dry skin, heavy periods and hair loss.

Here's a natural food guide to help your thyroid gland function at its best:

Turmeric and curcumin both contain anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant properties, which are beneficial in managing autoimmune conditions.

Studies show that turmeric may reduce inflammation that helps in hypothyroidism & decreases the growth of goitres.

In general, curcumin is poorly absorbed, quickly metabolized, and rapidly eliminated by the digestive tract. Organic Black pepper contains piperine, which helps us to absorb the nutrients of curcumin effectively.

Extra virgin coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids that help in the better functioning of the thyroid gland. With the right combination of exercises and a balanced diet, coconut oil could be excellent in boosting our thyroid gland.

Organic ginger powder is rich in essential minerals like potassium & magnesium and helps combat inflammation, one of the primary causes of thyroid issues. It is easiest to have ginger tea.

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Prakriti Kapli Atta I bought this time from Grameena Angadi Jayanagar Bengaluru was very coarse. I could not make rotis. I would like to order the same
from you if it is not coarse this time. Pls update. Thanks

Vidya Sadanand

useful information. thanks.


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